Services and Pricing:
This is not a “one size fits all” deal. Everybody is different and unique! Some people require little to no intervention, while others need a bit more time and help.
That’s why my services are created to fit your lifestyle and work with your body.
Click on service to book an appointment.
Here's your opportunity for a 15 minute phone call to hear more about Rooted WI's approach to supporting health and wellness and for you to determine if working together would be a good fit for you!
New Patient Consult: $250.00 (90 minutes)
During this consultation, we will be going over your health history, current health concerns, and future health goals in great detail. A biofeedback scan will also be provided to give us insight on what we can start working on before you're on your way home. This appointment allows me to gather your information, connect the dots, and develop a personal care plan that addresses your physical, chemical, and emotional stressors.
Follow Up Consult: $45.00 (30 minutes)
Follow up appointments are for patients that are already established with me and have had less than 3 months since their last appointments. These follow ups are great to keep you on track and also address any questions you may have.
Health Consult: $75.00 (30 minutes)
Already established with me but haven't had an appointment in the last 3 months? Let's get caught up to speed with a health consult to address current health needs and/or any questions you may have.
Re-establish Consult: $200.00 (90 minutes)
Has it been 2 years since your last appointment? Let's re-establish our journey together. During this appointment we will go over past test results, where you are at with previous health practices, what is currently going on with your health and wellness, and your personal goals. A biofeedback scan will also be provided.
Infrared Sauna (30-45 minute session)
Our Sunlighten near, mid, and far infrared sauna Chromotherapy (color therapy) and Acoustic Resonance Therapy (sound therapy) is the perfect complement therapy to help support your health. Whether you are looking at supporting relaxation, detox, weight loss, cardio health, pain reduction, muscle recovery or even anti-aging there is a customizable program for you.
$35 for 1 person
$30 per person for 2 people
$25 per person for 3 people
$20 per person for 4 people
Must be 16 or older.
Not recommended during pregnancy
Quantum Biofeedback is an advanced therapeutic technology based on Quantum physics. Biofeedback testing assess an individual’s response to a series of frequencies. Frequencies are then selected based on which ones the person’s body responded to as needing. This negates the negative impact particular internal and external stressors have put on that person’s body. These stressors come from 3 main focus areas:
Customized homeopathic supplements are given to help support the relief of these stressors to promote healing of the body by improving its ability to communicate and improve circulation.
This is included in every New Patient Consult and is done as needed from there.
$100.00 as a stand alone resource
PEMF stands for “Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency”. PEMF therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment for various injuries, bone related conditions and pain. BEMER devices are designed to temporarily increase local blood circulation in healthy muscles and stimulate muscles in order to improve and facilitate performance due to better disbursement of oxygen within the target tissues while supporting the elimination of CO2. Most benefits are seen by reduced stress, improved relaxation, optimized physical performance, enhanced muscle conditioning and physical fitness, and a better overall feeling of well-being.
Single In Office Session $35.00
In Office Session Packages Available
2 Week Rental $250.00
4 Week Rental $400.00
LUMEBOX Red Light Therapy
Temporarily relieve pain
Improve blood flow
Improve appearance of skin
Improve mood
$20 per session -
In order to continue providing the best possible scheduling options to our guests, we require at least 48 HOURS NOTICE to reschedule or cancel an appointment. If canceling or rescheduling occurs in less than the time frames listed below, the attached fee will be charged to your account and your next appointment will not be honored until this fee has been paid. Less than 48 hours notice will be charged 50% of scheduled service fee. NO SHOW will result in a 100% charge of the service scheduled for that appointment. Arriving late may limit time available for your service. Clients who do not arrive within 15 minutes of their scheduled appointment time will be asked to reschedule and will be subject to the cancellation fee. Your timely arrival is appreciated.
All sales are final.
Curious to know how it works?
First things first, you’ll want to BOOK A FREE DISCOVERY CALL. We’ll chat and see if my services are a good fit for you!
Then you’ll schedule a New Patient Consult. Prior to the scheduled consult, you’ll need to fill out the Patient In-Take form . This will help give me an idea of your health history so that when we meet we will be ready to go!
During the consult, we’ll go over your health history, current issues, biofeedback results, and we’ll discuss different remedies and solutions. We’ll work on establishing foundational changes and make a plan for your healing journey. Most follow ups appointment are 3-6 weeks after first consult.
I will be right there with you guiding you through this process and pointing you in the right direction to best fit your needs.
I’m excited to help you take this next step in your restorative journey!
What Clients are saying…